New DVD releases available on Mobi site
Blockbusters Entertainment’s mobi site allows customers to access newest DVD releases, without getting up from the couch. This mobi site is a first in its field creating a platform from where a company can promote their brand to a profiled database, whilst giving back to the client.
Blockbusters Entertainment, has launched their mobile website. Visitors to this site can expect to have access to the newest DVD releases, competitions and contact details of all the branches in the country. A mobi site awards a company the opportunity to profile their customers and in turn deliver a more client specific service.
“Our aim was to make communication with our customers quick and easy, anytime, anywhere as well as expand the brand footprint to new markets,” said Sheldon Davenport, Managing Director for Blockbusters Entertainment. “Mobile is constantly evolving and we will be adding new features throughout the year to enhance the user experience,” Davenport added.
Yonder Mobile Media, were the company who designed the mobi site for Blockbusters. “We specialise in using a company’s existing strategy and then weaving mobile into it and that’s why you will hear Blockbusters Entertainment’s current radio ad promoting their mobi site. It is a wonderful way of exposing your mobi and your brand,” Reghardt van der Westhuizen, Accounts Manager for Yonder Mobile Media, stated.
Mobile as a marketing medium is still a new concept for companies in South Africa to grasp and include as part of their marketing budget. However, companies like Shoprite, Supersport, Edcon and now also Blockbusters Entertainment have seen the possibilities and reap the benefits from their mobile approach.
In South Africa alone there are over 40 million mobile phone users, making internet access through this medium a necessity. Mobi sites however, work on GPRS costs, meaning mobi site “surfers” pay as little as two cents (per day) for visiting these WAP sites. Yonder Mobile Media spent their time and resources on developing and integrating various mobile advertising solutions. They have mobilized various clients since 2002 and offer their services to agencies and different brands as a one-stop mobile advertising partner.