Softline Pastel obtains quality assurance accreditation
Company qualifies for accreditation with major financial board
Softline Pastel has obtained Quality Assurance Partner (QAP) accreditation with Fasset, the SETA for Finance, Accounting, Management Consulting and other Financial Services.
Pastel has over 500 accredited training centres nationally which automatically receive Fasset accreditation as well. A selected number of Pastel courses offered though these training centres fall within the NQF framework and are aligned to unit standards requirements.
“The accreditation process was a rigorous one that required the creation of training material, processes and policies that were quality assured to the highest levels,” says Steven Cohen, managing director of Softline Pastel. “While we have always offered our customers quality training, I am thrilled to have an independent stamp of approval.”
In addition to the Fasset accreditation, training attendees who pass their assessments will gain credits toward a formal qualification and employers will be eligible to claim back the training costs in line with the Skills Development Levy Act.
“To keep our accreditation, we will monitor our training centres very closely. A de-merit system is in place and any accredited training centre not meeting necessary standards will have its status reviewed,” says Cohen.
Pastel trainers are now also eligible to become Fasset accredited assessors and moderators.