Portfolios Assigned to ISPA Management Committee, Security Added for First Time
The Internet Service Providers’ Association of SA (ISPA) has assigned areas of responsibility to its Management Committee (MANCOM) members who were elected at the Internet industry association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in September.
The new portfolios are always assigned at the first MANCOM meeting held after the AGM and are effective immediately. This is also where the election of the 2012-2013 Joint Chairs, Marc Furman & Jaap Scholten, as well as the re-appointment of Treasurer, Mike Silber, took place in Johannesburg last week.
Highlights of the latest annual ISPA MANCOM changes include the addition for the first time of a Security Working Goup chaired by Andre van der Walt and the fact that Mohammad Patel, Deputy Chair of the Wireless Access Providers’ Association of SA (WAPA), has been co-opted to the ISPA MANCOM. ISPA’s Constitution provides for the appointment of additional MANCOM members, should they bring specific skills, or otherwise provide value to the organisation.
ISPA spokesperson Ant Brooks said the latest MANCOM was the 17th incarnation of the Committee since ISPA was founded in 1996. “There are new challenges facing the 2012-2013 ISPA MANCOM but the guiding principle remains the same and that is to ensure fairness in the local Internet industry so that every player competes according to the same rules. Led by a succession of highly-competent MANCOMs, ISPA has proven that it is a lobbying force of some influence.
Mr Brooks added, “ISPA’s counsel and informed opinions are taken seriously by South Africa’s ICT decision-makers. That’s because its management committee and members are serious about creating a world class ICT framework that is good for South Africa.”
The full list of 2012 – 2013 elected ISPA Management Committee members is provided below:
Marc Furman: Joint-Chair
Jaap Scholten: Joint-Chair
Mike Silber: Treasurer
ManCom members:
Graham Beneke
Marc Furman
David Gentleman
Jenny King
Dr Duncan Martin
Jaap Scholten
Mike Silber
Co-opted ManCom member: Mohammad Patel
- Anti-Spam Graham Beneke
- Code David Gentleman
- Events Jaap Scholten
- Fair Competition Marc Furman
- Finance Jaap Scholten
- iCode Andre van der Walt
- INX Graham Beneke
- Membership David Gentleman
- Operators Liaison Jenny King
- Public Relations and Marketing Marc Furman
- Regulatory Submissions Mike Silber
- Security Andre van der Walt
- Teachers Training Fiona Wallace
- Voice and Messaging Greg Massel