The 7 Wonders of Crysis 3
Following the announcement last week of the partnership between EA, Crytek, and filmmaker Albert Hughes, we are happy to reveal the first episode of the 7 Wonders of Crysis 3 series entitled “Hell of a Town.” Watch as Prophet returns to an imprisoned New York City, trapped within the confines of the CELL Corporation’s Nanodome, in this all new video directed by Mr. Hughes. The Liberty Dome has transformed much of New York City into an urban rainforest, teaming with overgrown trees, dense swamplands, and raging rivers. The dangers of this new environment will demand advanced weapons & tactics – but the Nanosuit is more than up to the challenge of hunting down Prophet’s enemies in Crysis 3….
The 7 Wonders of Crysis 3 series will introduce the incredible environments found within the Liberty Dome while also showcasing all new weapons and enemies, and the franchise’s trademark sandbox shooter gameplay. Releasing 22nd February 2013 in South Africa, Crysis 3 is slated to be one of the first blockbuster games of 2013 and the pinnacle of the series thus far.
Link to video: