
How quickly can you get to a million rand?

Everyone can do with a million…and you might just be able to get there without winning the Lotto.

Gumtree has just issued an infographic that tells professionals in various careers how long they will have to wait before they can call themselves millionaires. According to the infographic, a DJ will have to work for about 9 years before they hit the target, whereas a Human Resources Manager will only have to slog away for 4 years.

The infographic also includes links to various jobs to be found on the portal itself and links to important career tips, including how to dress appropriately for the office.

Gumtree has over 55,000 jobs listed on the platform across all sectors. Job seekers can also post their skill set online in order to meet prospective employers. There are also various short courses and evening classes advertised online for those considering a career change.

“Gumtree is a great place to connect prospective employees and employers,” says Claire Cobbledick, Marketing Manager of Gumtree South Africa. “There are jobs in every province and most cities across the country waiting to be filled.”

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