
When your organisation’s success is built on the provision of effective business continuity services, it seems only fitting that continuity is part of everything you do, including winning awards. This was certainly the case for ContinuitySA, whichwon ‘Continuity & Resilience Provider 2016’ for the third successive year at this year’s BCI Africa Awards. In addition, the company also took home the ‘Continuity & Resilience Team 2016’ award.

The Business Continuity Institute (BCI) is the leading membership and certifying organisation for business continuity professionals worldwide and these awards recognise the outstanding contribution of such professionals and organisations operating in the Africa region.

ContinuitySA will now be afforded the opportunity to take part in the global awards in these two categories, which will take place in London later this year.

“We are thrilled to have won this award for the third consecutive time,” says Michael Davies, CEO of ContinuitySA. “It is important for organisations today to be focused on ways of proactively managing potential and real disruptions to their business, in order to mitigate risk and ensure long-term sustainability. ContinuitySA considers this award as clear recognition of our role as a trusted and professional partner, assisting our clients to improve both their business and operational resilience.”

The company’s self-styled ‘Tiger Team’ was also extremely proud to have won the award for the team that demonstrated outstanding attributes within the business continuity management (BCM) arena at this year’s event.

“This award was recognition of the hard work this team put into developing an end-to-end toolset to equip a global IT service company. Developing this required a multidisciplinary team that covered all the various domains within BCM and disaster recovery, from consulting through to technical and management,” adds Davies.

He explains that the team surpassed the expectations set by the client by developing a cogent and cohesive unit that was able to successfully engage with this large conglomerate. “By continually spurring one another on and being highly motivated to prove themselves, the team was able to produce deliverables of outstanding quality.”

The members of ContinuitySA’s Tiger Team include: Jeremy Capell, Bradley Janse van Rensburg, Kabir Singh, Padma Naidoo, Adam Wakerman, Wayne Johnson, Sasha Malic, Al De Brito, and Dean Naidu.

“I would like to congratulate not only the members of Tiger Team, but everyone involved in our business. These awards are the result of all of us working together and it makes me proud that they are all part of the ContinuitySA family,” concludes Davies.
