There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has been catastrophic for most markets around the world and the impact is likely to be felt for some time to come. Any business owner will tell you it is very tough for operations of any size right now, whatever the industry or sector.

More than ever before, you need a trusted labour and industry partner to help guide you through the economic storm. You need an ally to help you ensure your workplace is ready for the ‘new normal’. Ask yourself this: Is my work environment safe for the return of employees? Does it comply with all the new regulations stipulated by government?

At CRS Technologies we are confident that we can fulfil this role and help you meet the requirements. To this end, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Workplace Readiness Kit.  As the name suggests, this is a centralised resource that contains all the essentials you need to ensure a safe working environment and total compliance with the Department of Labour and Employment’s Occupational Health and Safety Act regulations.

This kit includes:

  • a Covid-19 plan;
  • a workplace risk assessment;
  • determination of your employees’ risk and exposure levels;
  • implementation of workplace controls and safe work practices;
  • use of personal protective equipment (PPE);
  • employee screening and COVID-19 policy and procedure, among others.

The kit also includes all the required documentation. We believe at R3 500, this kit represents real peace of mind and real value for money (industry-specific kits are priced from R4000, depending on requirements).  For more info, click here.

CRS appreciates that companies have varying workplace readiness requirements, depending on the industry in which they operate. For a kit that is tailored to your exact business needs, contact Nicol Myburgh on 083 465 5972 or [email protected].

A last thought: We know how tough times are for all businesses and their employees. We know that uncertainty, fear and stress are all taking their toll on most operations. We also know, however, that information, clear thought, reliable advice and an experienced partner will all help.