Managing payroll is a critical task for any organisation, and for large enterprises with hundreds or even thousands of employees, it can be an incredibly complex and time-consuming process. This is why a leading South African pharmaceutical company has decided to outsource its payroll to CRS Technologies, specialists in the provision of outsourced payroll services.

“Payroll processing involves navigating a complex landscape of tax regulations, labour legislation and reporting requirements,” says CRS General Manager Ian McAlister. “Even small mistakes made in payroll calculations, or delays in tax payments can result in hefty penalties and damage to a company’s reputation.

“The CRS Payroll Bureau offers specialised expertise in handling these intricacies. To ensure accurate calculations, our payroll administrators possess up-to-date knowledge of regulations and stay informed about any legislative changes.”

The pharmaceutical company, a long-time user of Remunerate, the payroll component of CRS Technologies’ Engage™ HR and payroll software suite, initially appointed CRS to manage the payroll for 640 employees located in South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

So impressed was the company with the quality of CRS’s outsourced payroll services that it decided to extend the contract to include an additional 1240 employees in the same countries.

“By taking on the responsibility of compliance we have significantly reduced the risk for the pharmaceutical company and thus enabled its internal resources to focus on strategic initiatives,” says McAlister.

“This client is now receiving the best of both worlds from CRS – automated payroll processes together with simplified and improved reporting through Remunerate, as well as all the benefits that come with outsourced payroll services. These include access to a team of qualified and experienced payroll practitioners, reduced operating expenses, regulatory compliance, enhanced data security and improved organisational efficiency.”

The pharmaceutical company is not the only large enterprise in the CRS outsourced payroll services stable. Its Payroll Bureau also processes the payroll for a global biopharma company, as well as that of an international tobacco company. This is in addition to the 65 small to medium-sized enterprises the CRS Payroll Bureau manages, which involves running more than 4000 payslips a month.

“Partnering with a reputable payroll services provider such as CRS enables organisations to offload the complexities of payroll management and focus on strategic objectives and core business activities,” says McAlister.

“As technology advances and regulatory requirements evolve, it’s not surprising that outsourcing payroll is becoming an increasingly attractive option for companies seeking a reliable and cost-effective solution,” he concludes.

Find out more about CRS here.