Software development company DVT has announced a new series of Agile-certified training courses to be held in April and May in Johannesburg and Cape Town respectively.

The two courses – Leading SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) and Agile@Scale – will appeal to program and project managers, change managers and C-level executives wanting to enhance and expand their Agile development and deployment skills and earn valuable industry certifications in doing so.

Embrenchia Snyman, who heads up DVT’s Academy says the two courses are specifically tailored to the local South African business environment with the aim of enabling bigger corporations to transition to Agile faster.

“While we have tremendous business opportunities in South Africa we also have a dearth of Agile project management and change management skills, which limits our ability to compete in a global market,” says Snyman. “The new courses are designed to address some of these challenges directly and fast track the advancement of skilled practitioners, specifically in the application of Agile best-practice methodologies.”

The Leading SAFe two-day training course will provide attendees with the necessary knowledge to lead an enterprise Agile transformation by leveraging the Scaled Agile Framework and its underlying principles of lean thinking and product development flow. Attendees that pass the course exam earn a Scaled Agile Framework Agilist (SA) certification.

The Agile@Scale training course, designed by the DVT Academy, offers a fully-customisable programme that includes interactive simulations on Scrum roles and responsibilities; collaboration, learning and improving; definition of Done, Agile documentation and governance; estimating the big WHEN; emergent architecture; and integration. It’s a non-examination course that earns attendees an ICAgile Certified Professional accreditation.

The DVT Academy offers consulting and training in enterprise Agile adoption, consulting and training in change management, consulting and training in hybrid Waterfall/Agile models, and consulting and training in pure Agile and combined Scrum, Agile and Kanban methods.

“We tailor our training to match each of our clients’ unique business environments, starting with an audit that identifies their requirements and an onsite change manager that consults with management and staff to tailor a training program as required,” says Snyman. “We have an incredible team of experts on board and the team dynamic is a true testament to the change Agile can effect in people’s lives and at every organisational level.”

Leading SAFe

Sandton, Johannesburg: 8 and 9 April

Cost: R8,500 per person


Sandton, Johannesburg: 29 April

Belville, Cape Town: 2 June

Cost: R4,500 per person

Anyone interested in attending the courses can register at [email protected].