Call recording is critical for many businesses. Recordings are used to keep a record of conversations with customers and for training purposes, to improve agents’ efficiency. They can also be used as evidence in legal disputes. But for recordings to be admissible in court, the recording process must be compliant with the relevant POPI, FAIS, FICA and CPA regulations.

What is compliant call recording?

In order to be compliant and admissible in a court of law, recordings must be encrypted and securely stored. Quite simply, encryption scrambles data so that only those who are authorised can access and understand the information.

Euphoria’s compliant call recording feature encrypts and time stamps recordings as soon as they are created. This serves as proof in court that the recording has not been tampered with or altered in any way.

Encryption on the go

Regulations require that recording must be encrypted “at rest”. By definition, when data is at rest, it is stored in one location and is not actively moving between devices or across a network.

When a recording is encrypted at rest, that means it is encrypted wherever it is stored. Euphoria encrypts the recording from the time it is created The recording is also transmitted securely in an encrypted connection if it has to be moved anywhere.

Why compliance matters

Compliance legislation ensures that employees, consumers and companies are protected by the law. And ensuring that legal obligations are met within an organisation reduces the risk of costly penalties, fines or legal action.

In terms of call recording, if compliance protocols are not met, the recordings are not admissible as evidence in a court of law and can only be used  up to arbitration level. But when an organisation is armed with compliant call recording from Euphoria, all calls can be used as evidence, with peace of mind guaranteed.