Webinar: 10 key questions to align your big data project with business requirements

Apr 26th, 2016

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What is the value of big data?

For many organistions, big data remains a complex technology and the value to business is not clear. In many cases, this is because big data is presented as a technology seeking a solution, rather than as a solution to a clearly defined business problem. Vendors create confusion by presenting everything from traditional BI tools to their latest storage or ETL capability as a big data solution. In fact, big data use cases can be clearly defined and, in most cases, cannot be effectively resolved using traditional tools.

“Technology alone is not the ‘silver bullet’ for big data. It is vital to identify whether the business problem is, in fact, a big data problem. This webinar will assist you to ensure that you are meeting the big data needs of business,” says Gary Allemann, MD at Master Data Management and distributor of Datameer solutions.

Join us for this Datameer webinar, 10 Questions to Align Your Big Data Project with Business Requirements, as Neil Raden, CEO and Principal Analyst at Hired Brains and Andrew Brust, Datameer’s Senior Director of Market Strategy and Intelligence, will discuss the top 10 questions to consider including:

  • Why alignment with the business matters?
  • What will you do with the analytic results?
  • How do you measure success?

The webinar will take place on Wednesday the 11th of May 2016.

Click here to register for the webinar.