Join Master Data Management at the Anti-Money Laundering: Fraud & Financial Crime Conference 2016

Oct 31st, 2016

In the past three years alone, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) has disseminated fines of over R150 million to the financial institutions who were found to be in breach of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) controls. It is therefore no surprise that strict regulatory compliance to combat fraud and money laundering financing is receiving more attention from regulatory authorities and financial institutions. The direct cost of non-compliance can be high, not forgetting the risk of reputational damage and the loss of business opportunities and confidence incurred. There has been no better time for management and executives to take a leading role in mastering corporate governance and ethical leadership by attending a leading industry forum such as the Anti-Money Laundering, Fraud & Financial Crime Conference.

Managing Director at Master Data Management, (MDM), Gary Allemann, will be presenting at the AML, Fraud & Financial Crime Conference, running from 9th to the 10th of November 2016 at the Indaba Hotel in Sandton, Johannesburg. With nearly twenty years of experience, Gary will discuss how organisations can avoid compliance pitfalls through covering various talking points from establishing a data management system, how to conduct organizational screening against legislations, reporting suspicious activity and how to establish customer due diligence systems.

“Big data brings new opportunities, but also many challenges such as lack of skills, poor quality, and compliance and regulatory complexities such as the protection of sensitive information. The challenge that we have always faced with data, but on a larger scale. Master Data Management’s core focus is to provide sustainable solutions to these challenges – unlocking the value of your enterprise data” says Allemann.

The aim of this conference is to bring together experts in the banking field and other financial sectors to share their knowledge and expertise about policies and procedures designed to ensure effective implementation of anti-money laundering (AML) control measures. The conference will cater to professionals dealing with a broad range of AML topics such as financial surveillance and risks associated with cyber laundering and digital fraud

Gary Allemann will join other industry leaders including Ernest Honya: Chairman and President at ACCPA, Tersia Rossouw: Director at KPMG, Kevin West: Head of Group Financial Crime Risk Management at Firstrand, Ursula M’Crystal: Head of Money Laundering Surveillance Unit at Standard Bank and Jan Bester: Head of Sanctions at Barclays Africa. In their presentations, these experts will address topics which include the exploration of anti-money laundering processes and control measures, AML monitoring & reporting, approaches to customer identification & due diligence, transaction surveillance optimisation, analytics role in AML & fraud detection and prevention, and risk management strategies for evolving nature of financial crime.

For more information and to register for this event: