Webinar – Five ways to ease the pain of regulatory reporting
Regulatory reporting is a headache for every financial services institution. For many banks, the biggest headache is demonstrating sound data governance, particularly BCBS 239 compliance. But BCBS 239 isn’t just for large banks. More and more regulators are applying the BCBS 239 principles to smaller banks, and even other industries. And their logic makes sense – the principles are designed to promote sustainable, reliable reporting.
Join Master Data Management’s partner, Collibra, to obtain practical advice on how to leverage the principles of BCBS 239 as the basis for data governance for CCAR, DFAST, Solvency II, and more.
Please join Collibra on Thursday the 17th of November 2016 at 20:00 – 21:00.
To register and for more information: http://www.masterdata.co.za/index.php/events/eventdetail/124/-/webinar-5-ways-to-ease-the-pain-of-regulatory-reporting