Upcoming Webinar: Data Quality-Driven GDPR Compliance with Confidence
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will take effect in May 2018, mandating strict new personal data protections to be observed by all organisations operating within the European Union (including the United Kingdom), as well as organisations anywhere in the world that holds and processes data on EU/UK residents. Noncompliance can lead to severe financial penalties.
Organisations will also have to prove their GDPR compliance, including documenting what data processing was performed and ensuring it was done correctly. However, how can you know that your customer and other personal data are being processed accurately and completely, as intended?
Join Master Data Management on Wednesday the 29th of November 2017 at 16:00 to 17:00, for this live webinar.
Here, experts will discuss key insights on how data quality can help organisations achieve GDPR compliance with confidence.
Attendees of the webcast will learn:
- Key requirements of GDPR and potential risks to their organisations.
- The critical role of Data Quality in GDPR compliance.
- How to address data-related GDPR challenges through a practical, structured approach.
For more information: http://www.masterdata.co.za/index.php/events/eventdetail/147/-/webinar-data-quality-driven-gdpr-compliance-with-confidence