How can you extend the value of your analytics, Business Intelligence and data investments?

May 22nd, 2018

Gary Allemann, MD at Master Data Management

Healthcare is awash in data. It supports cutting-edge clinical decisions and uncovers insights for operational improvements. In addition, it informs contract and investment decisions that drive greater efficiency. Clinical and administrative leaders are now demanding data to support decision making.

And many organisations have answered the call. Making significant investments in data solutions like data warehouses, self-service Business Intelligence (BI) tools, and packaged analytics applications. Installing the latest versions of the businesses critical applications. However, despite the organisations best efforts, teams still struggle to find the right data. And when they do find it, they can’t understand how they should use it nor can they trust that they can – and should – use the data for the desired purpose.

The good news is, there’s hope.

Join Master Data Management (MDM) partner, Collibra for this webinar hosted by HIMSS, as they share stories of healthcare organisations like that drive data and report reusability and make their self-service analytics dreams a reality. The webinar will be taking place on the 23rd of May at 8:00pm South African time.

To register click here.