Upcoming webinar: AI without data governance is unethical

Aug 20th, 2018

Gary Allemann, MD at Master Data Management

Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies are intended to human bias out of decision making – by driving decisions founded purely on the data they are trained on.

Yet, hidden bias, missing demographics or accumulated inaccuracies in datasets can guide these new technologies in the wrong direction – with potentially harmful consequences.

A failure to properly govern and manage datasets applied to machine learning has deep ethical ramifications – and could result in unintended discrimination that could open your business up to legal action.

If you and your organisation want to reap the benefits of this brilliant new technology, join Master Data Management, partner of Syncsort who will be hosting this webinar on Thursday, 23 August 2018,  to learn how to govern your data so you can stay inside the boundaries of the law and human decency.

Register nowhttps://www.masterdata.co.za/index.php/events/eventdetail/184/-/webinar-ai-without-data-governance-is-unethical