Don’t blame your Transaction Monitoring System (TMS): How data quality affects your Transaction Monitoring Results

Feb 14th, 2022

Join Master Data Management, in collaboration with Precisely, for a webinar on, don’t blame your transaction monitoring system. The webinar will take place on the 17th of February 2022 at 13:00 (CAT). Register here.

By this point, you’ve got to be tired of all the webinars asking for an hour of your time to go over the information that, if you are lucky 15 minutes of is relevant to you.

Transaction monitoring systems are inherently only as good as the data they receive. The old adage of “Garbage in, garbage out” is applicable when you consider that the TMS is working on the belief that the account, customer, party and transaction data is accurate – in order to reduce false positives, identify any false negatives slipping through the cracks, and deliver investigative efficiency, one must first start with Complete, Clean, Connected Customer data.

During this webinar Senior Account Executive at Precisely, Jeff Nelson will discuss how Precisely is helping clients to:

  • Reduce false positives and negatives in their TMS,
  • Create efficiency within their FIUs so they spend more time investigating than they do gathering information,
  • Provide investigators with the tools to make better decisions more quickly.

Register now for this webinar and learn how data quality affects your transaction monitoring results.