The Role of Data Governance in a Data Strategy

Apr 13th, 2022

Join Master Data Management, in collaboration with Dataversity, for a webinar on The Role of Data Governance in a Data Strategy. The webinar will take place on the 21st of April 2022 at 20:00 (CAT). Register here.

A data strategy is a plan for moving an organisation towards a more data-driven culture. It is often viewed as a technical exercise. A modern and comprehensive data strategy addresses more than just the data; it is a roadmap that defines people, processes, and technology. The people aspect includes governance, the execution and enforcement of authority, and formalisation of accountability over the management of the data.

In this Real-World Data Governance (RWDG) webinar, President and Principal of KIK Consulting & Educational Services and the Publisher of The Data Administration Newsletter, Bob Seiner, will share where data governance fits into an effective data strategy. As part of the strategy, the program must focus on the governance of people, processes, and technology fixated on treating and leveraging data as a valued asset.

Join this webinar and learn more about:

  • A structure for delivery of a data strategy
  • How to address people, processes, and technology in a data strategy
  • Why data governance is an important piece of a data strategy
  • How to include data governance in the structure of the policy
  • Examples of how governance has been included in a data strategy

To register for this webinar, click here.