Today in Lison HP introduced HP Secure Managed Print Services (MPS), a new Managed Print Services (MPS) offering a focus on security.

This enhanced service reflects HP’s defense-in-depth approach to delivering our best in class security management available today.

HP Secure MPS provides security experts with the ability to help customers secure their print environment with end to end comprehensive security protection.

It also helps customers to maintain security over time to address evolving threats and compliance requirements.

HP Secure MPS advanced protections include:

  • Our most secure printers with self-healing capabilities
  • Security software to detect threats as well as protect, monitor and manage the printer fleet
  • Data encryption to better protect confidential data
  • Reporting for regulatory and compliance audits
  • Security expertise to co-develop a comprehensive print security plan

HP has also updated HP JetAdvantage Security Manager software, the industry’s only policy-based printer security compliance solution, to enable greater visibility into what firmware updates have been applied across the HP printer fleet.

This feature enables customers to see which of their printers are protected by HP’s advanced printer security including: HP Sure Start BIOS protection, whitelisting and run-time intrusion detection.

In addition, HP Enterprise printers can now be monitored for malicious activity by the SIEM (Security Information and event monitoring) tool Splunk.