OTEL Telecoms has reached a milestone in its growth with the launch of the Sentinel Global Service. Sentinel SIP Monitoring ( www.sipsentinel.com )is a Cloud Based SIP Quality and Fraud monitoring service which enables Operators, and Enterprise VoIP engineers to troubleshoot and monitor VoIP quality, MOS, Jitter, Latency and various other analysis. The service serves as the underpinnings of the VoIP Fraud Global Registry, a central prevention database of know premium numbers and IPs involved in fraudulent VoIP activities worldwide.

Jointly with its European Partners, the South African-based company is poised to gain world market share by providing this affordable cloud based service to the enterprise and VoIP operators. A similar competing service was previously available only to major VoIP providers at astronomical costs.

“OTEL has found the appropriate platform to launch a global service at a global event. AfricaCom 2012 marks the beginning of many positive changes about to happen at OTEL Telecoms as it opens its SIP Sentinel service to the world telecom industry,” said Mohammad Patel, Chief Executive Officer of OTEL Telecoms. “We’re excited to offer SIP Sentinel service alongside our TVNO service to VoIP providers around the world.

With the service being in Beta for many months, and tested by various VoIP Providers in Europe, USA and Asia, it has matured to be a very stable service offering much analysis and reports to troubleshoot VoIP related problems very quickly.

“The Digital Telecoms Industry worldwide continues to evolve into a mainstream method of interconnecting and providing terrestrial and mobile telecommunications via VoIP technology,” said Thyson Makitla, head of Projects & Development at OTEL Telecoms. “Conditions in this market, which boasts the fasted growing industry anywhere in the world, is a strong incentive for us to provide this Cloud based service to all providers and enterprises using Asterisk or any VoIP softswitch. VoIP fraud, over-contention on networks, and a maturing technology requires a good measurement, analysis and Network Operations Center (NOC) tool. Sentinel offer all of this plus more without the need to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars into the competing service.”

The Sentinel Standard which does advanced monitoring, and analysis of VoIP Packets starts from a merely at $2 per channel. The capability is endless, with Wireshark like advanced analysis built-in and viewable at a click. PCAPs can also be downloaded if user is more comfortable with using Wireshark.

An off-shoot of the Sentinel Service is the BlueBox Call recorder service. This service allows all VoIP recording to be encrypted and saved onsite. The call records are accessible via the Sentinel cloud where it de-crypts and makes the calls available for listening online or download. The advanced search facility is ideal for call centers, bank and insurance industries.

“Scarcity of good tools makes the Cloud Sentinel and VoIP Call recording product a viable option and the lack of skilled VoIP engineers make the service highly attractive for ITSPs, whether on a tight budget or well established,” concluded Patel

The Sentinel services can be signed online at www.sipsentinel.com or the relevant offices can be contacted on:

Johannesburg, South Africa: +27-10-786-0000
London, England: +44-208-166-9815
California, USA: +1-650-292-0276