OTEL has put pen to paper to increase its Telkom SAIX Broadband Internet capacity to meet its increasing number of Enterprises and SME customers who intend migrating from contended internet via ADSL or Fibre to a 1:1 Uncapped, Uncontended, Unshaped, Dedicated internet solution in order to increase their speed, reliability and productivity.
Carmen Boshoff, Last Mile Connectivity Specialist at OTEL Telecoms comments, ” As internet becomes an integral part in the successful function of a business, it has become clear that this tool called internet has to be the sharpest amongst the other tools. Neglecting to ensure that a company’s internet connection is reliable, fast and dedicated may cause losing ground to a competitor who has a better internet connection to perform its daily functions.”
South African businesses are generally using ADSL for its internet connectivity, as it is cheap and performs the basic functions. However with the increase in online communication and business tools converging into mobile and online business programs, a bad connection can make or break the success of a business.
A law firm, whether small or big, cannot wait long for an email to be sent or received, a retail store cannot afford to go offline to see stock availability in its remote warehouse, nor can a hospital have their phones offline due to stolen copper cables. An Internet connection dedicated to business and delivered over fibre is essential to maintain sound running and redundancy connectivity to the internet.
OTEL Telecoms Mohammad Patel explains. ” Over the past years we’ve noticed a shift in the requirements of business users. A connection shared by dozens or unknown number of other internet connections affects the performance of an internet greatly. The negative impact often causes a business to lose revenue. Specially if they require real time services such as VoIP or Database Access via the internet connection. In order to improve a business internet connection experience, OTEL Telecoms provides a connection dedicated to that particular business. This connection is called ‘one-to-one’ or ‘uncontended’ in the market.”
OTEL’s SAIX Internet Connection is based on Telkom’s national fibre network. Having the largest fibre footprint in South Africa means that OTEL Telecoms are most likely to offer a connection in the city faster, as well as the ability to offer fibre connectivity in non-city areas where other Internet Service Providers cannot.
Boshoff concludes. “South African businesses will trend towards this dedicated internet service as have businesses in first world countries. With OTEL’s expanded network, we have halved the cost of internet connectivity over fibre. OTEL is making robust investments locally to make sure that businesses can take full advantage of the latest services and tools, and that they have the speed they need to compete and grow.”
For more information on OTEL’s SAIX Broadband backed by Telkom can be found at http://www.otelafrica.com/saix
For fibre coverage check, please visit http://connect.otelafrica.com
For sales information, interested parties may contact [email protected] or 010-786-0200