OTEL Telecoms today announced the release of its long awaited CloudAstrix Service Provider Edition VoIP SoftSwitch. A carrier neutral Class 5 VoIP Software designed to provision and bill VoIP services for Internet Service Providers and Convergence Telephone Companies.

After nearly two years in development and Beta tested by various Service Providers worldwide, the softswitch is ready to make its mark globally. VoIP service has become a popular service among Internet Service Providers, however the exorbitant cost of softswitch infrastructure available from other vendors and the complexity of their use has inhibited ISPs into VoIP Provisioning.

CloudAstrix bridges the gap between complexity and ease of use. The Service Provider Edition is built as a module within the worlds’ most popular ISP Billing software, WHMCS (www.whmcs.com), who is partly owned by the worlds most used webhosting platform, cPanel (www.cpanel.net).

Mohammad Patel, CEO of OTEL Telecoms explains the platform, “The decision to use WHMCS as SPEs’ foundation was obvious. Since 2006, WHMCS has a proven track record for stability, ease of use and comprehensive features for ISPs worldwide. Using that as leverage, CloudAstrix has functions not available in any other competing VoIP Softswitch, thus placing the product in a unique position to establish itself as the ISPs firm favourite VoIP Softswitch.”

CloudAstrix plans releasing the Business Edition which is the Multi-Tenant Hosted PBX Switch for ISPs, and the CloudAstrix Lite Edition which will be a free world class PBX software for businesses and enterprises to use.

Led by Kiran Kolli as the lead systems development engineer at OTEL Telecoms, CloudAstrix has its sight firmly set to take on the established vendors. “ Our team consisting of mainly senior VoIP Engineers focused on stability and practicality whilst keeping the system simple and affordable. Using Freeswitch as the VoIP engine, it brings considerable maturity to CloudAstrix SPE. We’re eager to continue deploying and helping Startup Internet Telephony Companies and Internet Service Providers sell VoIP services to their clients.”

The VoIP industry has flourished to a multi-billion dollar annual revenue stream for telecom providers. Moving from legacy equipment to new generation VoIP switches has proven to be prohibitive in the past. However with the popularity of the technology growing, turnkey VoIP solutions like CloudAstrix SPE has become possible.

Backed by a First Tier Carrier in OTEL Telecoms who share a commitment to providing startups and seasoned VoIP Service Providers globally with high-performance, affordable and cutting-edge technologies, CloudAstrix is a safe choice.

“With on-going development and improvements, we’re sure that CloudAstrix SPE will continue to serve ISPs to maximize their profitability.” Concludes Patel.