Paving the Way for South African University Libraries
Apr 29th, 2016

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The recent launch of a new Library Management System at the University of Pretoria identifies the significance of up-to-date and relevant technology that serve as a catalyst for our future leaders.

In our current digital landscape, information is proliferated at such an extraordinary rate and, as a result, the capacity for libraries to deliver reliable information is difficult and challenging. “The role of academic libraries and librarians have changed, and their task is difficult as they and their universities need to empower their users in new ways, and reposition themselves in revolutionary ways”, says UP’s Vice Principal for Research and Postgraduate Studies, Professor Burton.

To this end, Sabinet is honoured to successfully roll out the OCLC WorldShare Management Services (WMS) to the University of Pretoria – the second academic university in Africa to adopt this system. WMS is a complete, cloud-based library management system that offers all the applications needed to manage a library: acquisitions, circulation, metadata, resource sharing, license management, reports and a single-search discovery interface for end-users.

WMS’s discovery interface, WorldCat Discovery, enables UP’s university community to search the library’s entire collection, as well as materials held by libraries worldwide, with a single search.

Libraries do not only assist individuals in accessing the information they require; libraries empower people to solve problems, push boundaries and shape the future.

Client Service Director at Sabinet, Pierre Malan says, “It is a brand new system with brand new technology. Having this new management system as a foundation will undoubtedly enable UP Library Services to surpass its offering to our future leaders.”

As we swiftly move into the digital era, we notice the significant impact on higher education and on research, and it is evident that the WMS cloud-computing software addresses a generation ‘on-demand’.

UP are empowering their students through the adoption of WMS, allowing for an easy search process that is open and available to every individual. A mind set of access, guidance and service are the focus of the new system, and processes are streamlined to enable support, study and protection of intellectual property. Finally, a game-changing system that keeps up with the constant changes in the 21st century.

Sabinet | Press Office