Syntech, an IT hardware distributor, announced its’ support of the Starfish Greathearts Foundation today, by declaring that members of Syntech and affiliates will ride the Argus in Superhero gear this Sunday.

“Wonderwoman” Tracy Gibb says that “I love being able to help Starfish in any way I can. It brings life, hope and opportunity to children orphaned or made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS in South Africa.” With regards to the Argus, she adds “I rode my first Argus in high school. My dad said he didn’t think I could do 10 in a row. Challenge accepted! I am now on my 16th Argus and counting (I’ve completed 15). I love the cycle route and the support of the crowd. It’s a great experience that everyone should try at least once.”

Starfish embraces the concept that “anyone, anywhere can make a difference – one child at a time!” It is founded on the principle that individuals have the power to make a difference, staff members continue to be inspired on a daily basis by the incredible resilience of the children Starfish supports. In the last 11 years, thousands of people across the globe have embraced the Starfish vision, with over 22 000 children being supported through 45 Community-based organisations. “There is a superhero in each one of us, only some are brave enough to wear the outfit,” says Lorin Edgar, Fundraising manager for Starfish. “We have found the spirit of the Greatheart in each of the Syntech super heroes and wish them well on their mission.”

“Green Power Ranger” Ryan Martyn, Director of Syntech, states that his motivation for riding the Argus “is to increase the visibility of Starfish in South Africa.” Staged on Sunday 10th March 2013, the Argus (the country’s biggest one-day sporting event) is a major international drawcard. “I love the excitement this generates for the Starfish children. It’s a perfect opportunity to have fun with friends while riding, and make a small difference” says Martyn. “We challenge the community to get involved.” You can donate funds to the Starfish Greathearts Foundation by visiting

“It’s great fun to spend time with mates, do a little exercising and celebrating all whilst raising money for a good cause! The support we receive is also inspirational!” comments “Ninja Turtle – Raphael” Robbie Gibb. “Beautiful scenery, a great atmosphere, a well-supported and well organised event combined with the world’s largest timed cycle race – you can’t beat it. There’s a great after-party too!”

The team:
Ryan “Green Power Ranger” Martyn
Spiro “Venom” Malamoglou
Robbie “Ninja turtle” Gibb
Brendan “Blue Power Ranger” Barnes
Sean “Captain America” Flanagan
Tracy “Wonderwoman” Gibb
Damien “Ice Man” Schumann

“Wonderwoman” Tracy Gibb and “Venom” Spiro Malamoglou

“Wonderwoman” Tracy Gibb and “Venom” Spiro Malamoglou