By Rob Lith, Director Connection Telecom

Telviva, Connection Telecom’s market-leading hosted communications platform, has been making massive inroads as the core switching application for hosted contact centres of late.

Customer growth

The adoption rate of cloud-based contact centre solutions has taken us by surprise, swelling the number of agents supported out of the cloud to over 800 new agents within a year.

Our channel’s list now includes Cook4Life, Cape Cycle Tour, Intercape Mainliner, Johnson & Johnson, Lewis Stores, Old Mutual Finance, PayProp, Rainfin, SA Couriers, Takealot and Mr Delivery, ConnectNet and UCS.


This kind of growth is technologically feasible thanks to our virtualised, distributed hosting infrastructure. Cook4Life is adding agents monthly, and Takealot and Mr Delivery have outgrown their office space twice within a year.

Each time, the move has been seamless, attesting to the agility our customers gain by taking on our hosted platforms. Telviva doesn’t require customer premises equipment, so you can unplug, move down the road and plug in again, provided there is decent connectivity.

New features

It is great news that two of our customers have such great prospects in the current climate of austerity, but it is a well-known fact that new digital channels provide new opportunity for growth, which is a great customer narrative for us.

But for digital channels to truly add value beyond traditional call centres and PBXs, they must embrace the full unified communication potential of Voice over IP. Hence we are proud and excited to talk about some crucial new features in the respective platforms.


We have integrated very tightly with ZenDesk, a popular cloud-based incident management and customer service application.

Telviva’s integration with this powerful application comes in the form of an application programming interface in ZenDesk and add-on Apps. This allows in-bound calls to be recognised by caller id, which then calls up previous incident management details concerning that customer, rather than having to manually bring up the customer profile.

Add-on Apps

Add-on Apps also allows us to integrate with other applications to gather information and get one view of a customer’s information into ZenDesk, including accounting information (is the customer paid up?) and various hooks into other applications.

One of our customers is already looking into this as a way of collating customer information from five different apps into two.


With such powerful new functionality, Telviva Hosted Contact Centre is an exciting new direction for us, one we expect to reap dividends in the new year and beyond.