Schneider ElectricSchneider Electric
MyBroadband Press Office

A rock solid case for circuit breaker diagnostics

Circuit breakers are undoubtedly one of the unsung heroes of the electrical world.  It performs vitally important tasks: protecting an electrical circuit from damage caused by overcurrent/overload of short circuit. 

24 August 2023

The age of process automation

Over the last 100 years, technical advancements have accelerated automation systems such as process automation, reducing many of the non-value-added processes and enabling designers, engineers and their employers to focus on other, important priorities.

22 August 2023

Establishing a balanced working environment

“The best way to predict the future is to create it,” said Abraham Lincoln.  A statement that certainly applies to the way we navigate our careers and its longevity.

16 August 2023

Hotels of the future are built on interoperable solutions

The hospitality industry has always been cut-throat; guests are spoilt for choice and as a result hotels, large and boutique have to keep pace to ensure they offer features that differentiate them from the competition.

16 August 2023

Kenya’s Nyagoto Dispensary maternity ward provides continuous, critical healthcare thanks to partnership with Curamericas Global, United Solar Initiative (USI), the Kisii County Ministry of Health PowerPoint, and Schneider Electric

Like many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Kenya is burdened by high levels of maternal and infant mortality. As of 2022, the reported maternal mortality ratio in Kenya was over 355 deaths per 100,000 live births, this means nearly 5000 Kenyan women and girls die annually due to pregnancy and childbirth...

1 August 2023

Engineering design and its all-important role in MMM

Engineering design has become a vital component in multiple segments including MMM (Mining Minerals & Metals) as industry moves into an age of RPA (Robotic Process Automation), AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT and the resultant connected devised transmitting from the field to cloud environments.

28 July 2023