Schneider ElectricSchneider Electric
MyBroadband Press Office

How managed services keep the edge ecosystem afloat

A survey by the Uptime Institute found that the impact of data centre downtime has grown in severity, making the availability (of data centres), at the core and at the edge, a key concern for organisations.

13 September 2023

Realising Energy Efficiency in a Time of Escalating Costs

Kenyans will soon see the fallout of the 15% to 20% energy tariff hike which came into effect on 1 April, after the country’s Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) approved a tariff increase request from electricity supplier Kenya Power.

6 September 2023

Gaining the most from retail’s investment in solar

The South African retail industry’s investment in renewable energy such as solar energy is enjoying some significant growth as a result of the country’s unstable growth, environmental concerns, cost savings as well as strides to decarbonise operations.

31 August 2023

Considering a career at Schneider Electric Services – here’s why you should

Traditionally perceived as a “spare parts and breakdowns” business, services has evolved into so much more. Focus has moved to insightful consulting audits, tailor-made maintenance contracts, enhanced modernisation activities and digitalisation of multiple industries and segments. Customers can leverage off our predictive tools to manage their current infrastructure and plan...

29 August 2023