Gone are the days of being burdened by bulky, inflexible televisions due to the lack of technological options. Nowadays, technology is about simplicity and convenience. People appreciate the improvements that technology has brought, but seek to harness the advances in a way that affords a type of effortless simplicity to their lifestyle.

The era of plasma and LCD

After trials and research, plasma and liquid crystal display (LCD) ushered in a new ‘slim’ era of television. The days of colossal televisions that stuck out like a sore thumb were replaced by the welcomed minimalist appeal of flat panel displays. LCD, in particular, became a firm favourite, because it could be mounted on a wall, or placed on top of a flat surface. The impact of this era was so great that it inspired a whole new line of furniture designs and cabinets to showcase these televisions.

The present age of OLED TV

As the television has now become the fundamental component of home entertainment, the innovations and updates to its design have come swifter and faster than ever. While it took several decades for thinner televisions to be introduced, the current trend is for them to be thin, technologically-advanced and simple to use.

Light-emitting diode (LED) technology has been expanded and evolved to organic light-emitting diode (OLED). This new development has not only enhanced the capabilities of resolution and display – with improved colour and lack of distortion, for example – but it has also allowed televisions to become even thinner and flexible. LG’s revolutionary Curved OLED TV, for example, is extremely slim at 4.3mm, allowing you to slot it practically anywhere in a room.

While other products are up to three times thicker and twice as heavy to reduce generated heat, LG’s OLED TV can afford to be ultra slim and light because it has its own encapsulation technology and optimisation design. This means you’ll never have to worry about moisture, overheating or having to call a friend to help you lug around your television. Whereas in the past you would need to measure and plan for a new television unit, OLED TV has adapted and evolved to suit your needs. Space is no longer an issue, and slim is now the standard. OLED TV eliminates all of the hassles, and leaves you to enjoy your television.